3v3 Ranked
Ruins of Lordaeron
Match date

19/08/2023 14:00:29
Fight duration

Character Guild Outcome Killing blows Deaths Damage done Healing done Damage taken Healing taken Personal Rating
Ukraine Nature Loss 0 1 2.02M 222.1k 1.4M 836.9k -22
Decay Win 1 0 1.8M 2,926 107.1k 107.1k + 36
Win 0 0 1.07M 7,720 1.78M 1.72M + 96
Ace of Spades Loss 0 1 363.5k 0 601.3k 25.79k -8
Decay Win 1 0 168.8k 2.29M 203.3k 178.3k + 27
Ukraine Nature Loss 0 0 0 935.9k 875k 271.3k -8