Sha of Pride
Sha of Pride
Siege of Orgrimmar
Total kills


Avg duration

5 minutes
10 man Heroic DPS performance
25 man Heroic DPS performance
10 man Normal DPS performance
25 man Normal DPS performance
10 man Heroic Healer performance
25 man Heroic Healer performance
10 man Normal Healer performance
25 man Normal Healer performance
Recent logs
2 hours ago
6 hours ago
9 hours ago
11 hours ago
  • Sha of Pride
    Thursday, 12 September 2024 04:37
    10 man Heroic
  • Sha of Pride
    Thursday, 12 September 2024 04:00
    10 man Heroic
12 hours ago
  • Sha of Pride
    Thursday, 12 September 2024 03:36
    10 man Normal
13 hours ago
14 hours ago
17 hours ago
18 hours ago
19 hours ago
20 hours ago