Item | Item level | Time left |
Bracers of Final Serenity | 566 | < 12 hours |
Treads of Unchained Hate | 566 | < 12 hours |
Toxic Tornado Treads | 566 | < 1 day |
Chitin-Link Chain Belt | 566 | < 1 day |
Beady-Eye Bracers | 535 | < 12 hours |
Blood-Soaked Invitation | 90 | < 1 day |
Blood-Soaked Invitation | 90 | < 12 hours |
Blood-Soaked Invitation | 90 | < 1 day |
Blood-Soaked Invitation | 90 | < 12 hours |
Earthshatter Headpiece | 88 | < 1 day |
Sandals of Faith | 86 | < 12 hours |
Reins of the Drake of the North Wind | 70 | < 12 hours |
Leaping Hatchling | 30 | < 12 hours |
Picnic Basket | 1 | < 1 day |