Item | Item level | Time left |
Jagged Hornet Bracers | 509 | < 12 hours |
Vizier's Ruby Signet | 509 | < 12 hours |
Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn | 509 | < 12 hours |
Malevolent Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty | 483 | < 12 hours |
Malevolent Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty | 483 | < 12 hours |
Dreamwalker Tunic | 92 | < 12 hours |
Cryptstalker Tunic | 92 | < 12 hours |
Pattern: Liferuned Leather Gloves | 90 | < 12 hours |
Dreamwalker Boots | 86 | < 12 hours |
Elwynn Lamb | 1 | < 12 hours |