3v3 Ranked
The Tiger's Peak
Match date

11/11/2023 20:14:09
Fight duration

Character Guild Outcome Killing blows Deaths Damage done Healing done Damage taken Healing taken Personal Rating
Limited Win 2 0 4.69M 0 2.96M 2.91M + 96
OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM Loss 1 1 4.64M 898.3k 2.2M 1.61M -18
OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM Loss 0 0 2.79M 2.84M 1.22M 1.08M -8
OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM Loss 0 1 2.11M 170.4k 2.02M 1.22M 0
Descendants of Dalaran Win 0 1 757.1k 434.9k 1.7M 876.9k + 96
Elite Crusader Battalion Win 0 0 150.5k 7.68M 4.31M 4.15M + 96